Our services

Criminal Defence Advocacy
LACW provides advice and representation in a range of criminal matters in the Magistrates’ Court and higher jurisdictions, including charges relating to dishonesty, assault, drug use, breaches of court orders and driving. We operate in all metropolitan courts and in some regional courts subject to capacity. Contact us for further information about the assistance we can provide.
Bail Applications
LACW lawyers can assist in applying for bail or varying bail conditions. LACW will work closely with service providers to ensure our clients have the greatest opportunity to access the support they need in preparation for any bail application. Once bailed, we can also assist clients in complying with bail conditions by providing case management and support.

Family Violence Intervention Orders
LACW can assist women in relation to family violence intervention orders in certain circumstances. We assist where the client has another legal matter with LACW, where she is a respondent to an order or where there are criminal charges associated. In other cases, a referral to the Women’s Legal Service, Djirra or a local community legal centre may be more appropriate.
LACW can assist in making applications to the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal, both in preparing the necessary paperwork and appearing as an advocate in VOCAT hearings, to help victims of violent crime access financial compensation and other support to assist in their healing.

Infringements and Fines
LACW can assist in identifying the legal options available in relation to accumulated fines and infringement notices. In particular, we can assist with applications under the Family Violence scheme to have fines reduced or waived on the grounds of family violence. We can also assist in making special circumstances applications to Fines Victoria and in the Magistrates’ Court.